Educational Resources & Links
Files and links below are of general interest. Files only for the Brethren can be found in the Grand View system.
Philalethes Society
A Quarterly Journal of Masonic Research based in North America
Quatuor Coronati
QC #2076 is one of the premier research lodges in the world. They have a wealth of useful information on their website.
Museum of Freemasonry (UK)
The Museum has videos, images, and high quality research on a variety of Masonic topics.
Masonic Services Association of North America
The Short Talk Bulletins contain useful and relevant topics for Masonic education.
The Masonic Society
The Masonic Society publishes a quarterly journal of Masonic education and articles.
Masonic Renewal Committee
This site has a resources and education section that has some excellent materials. To access the materials you have to provide a copy of your dues card.
NV Lodge of Research #2
The Nevada Lodge of Research #2 is the only Research Lodge in the jurisdiction. They have research papers and a library facility for the use of Masons.
Most Worshipful Prince Hall Grand Lodge of Nevada
The Grand Lodge of Nevada holds mutual recognition with the MW Prince Hall Grand Lodge of Nevada.
Files for Download
Petition for the Degrees
This is the Petition for the Degrees of Freemasonry in Nevada. If you are not a Mason and are seeking to join, this is the correct form.
Petition for Dual/Plural
This is the Petition for dual and/or plural membership in this jurisdiction.
Petition for Membership by Demit
This Petition is to be used for membership when a demit is requested upon election for affiliation.
Should I Ask? Brochure
This is the “Should i Ask?” brochure produced by the Scottish Rite NMJ. It’s a useful handout for prospective members.
A Man in Your Life wants to be a Mason
This brochure is for the family and friends of prospective and new Masons, It has some introductory material that may be useful.
NV Lodge of Research paper: Anderson's Constitutions
Paper accepted by NV Lodge of Research #2 on Anderson’s Constitutions and how the current NV Landmarks relate. Paper by Michael Kurcab PM
Short Lectures
Corn, Wine & Oil
Lecture on Corn, Wine & Oil
Where Parallel Lines Intersect
Lecture on the Holy Saints John
Lecture on the Rough & Perfect Ashlars
Masonic Apron
Lecture on the Masonic Apron
Masonic Presidents
Lecture on Masonic Presidents
Tragedy of Hiram Abiff
Lecture on the Tragedy of Hiram Abiff
Freemasonry & Religion
Lecture on Freemasonry & Religion
Temperance, Fortitude & Prudence
Lecture on some of the Cardinal virtues
The Bible
Lecture on the Bible
The Square
Lecture on the Square
The Compasses
Lecture on the Compasses
Masonic Leadership
Lecture on Masonic Leadership
The York Legend
Lecture on the York Legend of Freemasonry
The Worshipful Master
Lecture on the Worshipful Master of a Lodge
The Duty of Happiness
Lecture on the Duty of Happiness
Colonial Freemasonry
Lecture on Freemasonry in the Era of Washington
Robert Burns
Lecture on Robert Burns
George Washington
Lecture on George Washington
Tenets of Freemasonry
Lecture on the three Principles
Symbolism of the First Degree
Lecture on the Elements of the First Degree
Lecture on Learning as a Masonic Duty
St John the Baptist
Lecture on St John the Baptist and his relevance to Freemasonry
St John the Evangelist
Lecture on St John the Evangelist and his relevance to Freemasonry
The Beehive
Lecture on the Symbolism of the Beehive
GL of Nevada History
Lecture on the History of the GL of NV
Lecture on Tolerance in Lodge
Masonic Brotherhood
The Meaning of Masonic Brotherhood During the Holiday Season
The Trestleboard
History & Significance
Numbers 3, 5, and 7
Meaning in the Middle Chamber
The Fiver Orders of Architecture
Symbolism for Speculative Masons
Masonic Leadership
Expected & Respected
NV Masonic History - Part 1
Roots in California and Beyond
NV Masonic History - Part 2
Roots in California and Beyond
Guarding the West Gate
Purpose & History
Mythology of Hiram Abiff
Lodge Leadership & Development
Servant and Transformational Leadership in the Blue Lodge