Most Worshipful

Zakariah A. Gulling

Grand Master of Masons in Nevada

The Grand Lodge of Nevada welcomes our Masonic Brethren and warm regards to our visitors.
— Most Worshipful Gulling

Most Worshipful Gulling was elected and installed at the 160th Annual Communication of the Grand Lodge of Nevada in November 2024. The Grand Master hails from Reno Lodge #13.

2024-2025 Elected Grand Officers

  • David E. Bechtel

    RW Deputy Grand Master
    Oasis 41

  • Charles J. Barone

    RW Senior Grand Warden
    Mt Moriah 39, Oasis 41

  • Joseph E. Dini III

    RW Junior Grand Warden
    Hope 22

  • Michael P. Aurnague

    VW Grand Treasurer
    Reno 13

  • David O. Martinez, PGM

    VW Grand Secretary
    Washoe 35

  • Stephen V. Robison Jr., PGM

    VW Grand Lecturer
    Mount Rose 40, Washoe 35

2024-2025 Appointed Grand Officers

  • Gregory F. Curtin

    W Senior Grand Deacon
    Pahrump 54, Nellis 46, Sandy Valley 57, Robert Burns 59

  • Ed G. Young

    W Junior Grand Deacon
    Washoe 35, St John’s 18

  • Wendell (Skip) Hammargren

    VR Grand Chaplain
    Winnemucca 19, Humboldt 27

  • Robin (Montana) Williams

    W Grand Orator
    Sandy Valley 57, Pahrump 54, Robert Burns 59

  • Chris P. Shoemaker

    W Grand Marshal
    Carson Valley 33

  • Phillip B. Michaelson

    W Grand Standard Bearer
    Oasis 41, Vegas 32

  • Charles C. Aglubat

    W Grand Sword Bearer
    Reno 13

  • Dwain B. Thornton

    W Grand Bible Bearer
    Reno 13

  • Keith M. Levenson

    W Grand Steward
    Nellis 46, Robert Burns 59

  • Romy M. Peruel

    W Grand Steward
    Vegas 32, King Solomon 58

  • Patrick G. Tanner

    W Grand Organist
    Washoe 35

  • Anthony (Tony) York

    W Grand Pursuivant
    Mt Moriah 39

  • Ronald J. Vick

    W Grand Historian
    Hope 22, Washoe 35

  • Carl (Nik) Leiner

    W Grand Tyler
    Hope 22, Washoe 35

  • Stephen A. Crowder

    W Grand Trustee
    Churchill 26

  • Jacob A. Lewis

    W Grand Trustee
    Oasis 41

  • Caleb S. Jensen

    W Grand Trustee
    Reno 13

  • Paul W. Chaffee

    W Grand Trustee
    Boulder City 37

  • Sean M. Burke

    W Grand Trustee
    Winnemucca 19, Humboldt 27

  • John Krikorian

    W Grand WebMason
    Mt Moriah 39

Living Past Grand Masters

David J. Morgan (1994)
Arthur K. Cronin (1998)
W. Wayne Perkins (2002)
H. Wayne Kingsley (2004)
James G. Kelley (2008)
David O. Martinez (2009)

Carl L. “Bud” Banks (2010)
Reed R. Moseley (2011)
Hans J. Scheurer (2012)
Richard M. “Mike” Hoaglin (2013)
John M. Buffington (2014)
Mark A. Marsh (2018)

Stephen V. Robison, Jr. (2019)
Louis J. Castle, II (2020)
Richard M. Graver, Jr. (2021)
Michael R. Giles (2022)
Kevin P. McCans (2023)
Ted P. Bendure (2024)

Past Elected Grand Lodge Officers

Highest Office Served

R.W. Dale K. Dean, Sr.
Past Junior Grand Warden

R.W. David K. Baba
Past Junior Grand Warden

V.W. Larry W. Darling
Past Grand Secretary

V.W. John Reed
Past Grand Treasurer