159th Annual Communication Held
On November 13th & 14th, the Most Worship Grand Lodge of Free & Accepted Masons of the State of Nevada held its Annual Communication in Las Vegas, Nevada. Most Worship Kevin P. McCans presided and at the end of the Communication, laid down the gavel.
The Public Opening of the Grand Lodge

The following officers were elected and appointed for the 2023-2024 year.
MW Grand Master, Ted P Bendure
RW Deputy Grand Master, Zakariah A Gulling
RW Senior Grand Warden, David E Bechtel
RW Junior Grand Warden, Chuck J Barone
VW Grand Treasurer, Michael P Aurnague
VW Grand Secretary, David O Martinez, PGM
VW Grand Lecturer, Stephen V Robison, Jr, PGM
W Senior Grand Deacon, Joseph E Dini III
W Junior Grand Deacon, Gary L Smith
VR Grand Chaplain, Ed G Young
W Grand Orator, Christopher P Shoemaker
W Grand Marshal, Robin “Montana” Williams
W Grand Standard Bearer, Keith M Levenson
W Grand Sword Bearer, Romy M Peruel
W Grand Bible Bearer, Charles C Aglubat
W Grand Steward, Ronald J Vick
W Grand Steward, Gregory F Curtain
W Grand Organist, Anthony A York
W Grand Pursuivant, Wendell “Skip” Hammargren
W Grand Historian, Phillip B Michaelson
W Grand Tyler, Carl “Nik” Leiner
W Grand Trustee (2024) William H Palmer III
W Grand Trustee (2024) Paul W Chafee
W Grand Trustee (2025) Jacob A Lewis
W Grand Trustee (2025) Caleb S Jensen
W Grand Trustee (2025) Stephen A Crowder
W Grand Web Mason John Krikorian