Installation at Humboldt Lodge #27
On Saturday, January 14, 2023, Humboldt Lodge #27 held its Installation of Officers for the year.
Installed were:
Master-W.A.” Skip” Hammargren, P.M./W Grand Steward
Sr. Warden- Gary Smith, P.M./W Grand Historian
Jr. Warden - John Warner, P.M.
Secretary - MW Michael Giles, P.M.. PGM
Treasurer - RW Ted Bendure, P.M. Deputy Grand Master
Sr. Deacon, Dale Talcott, P.M.
Jr. Deacon, Sean Burke
Chaplain – Jesse Gilkison, P.M.
Marshall – Steve Tibbals, P.M
Tyler – Richard Machado, P.M
Historian – Dick Robie, P.M
Sr. Steward – Walt Cooley, P.M
Jr. Steward – Phillip Holden
Trustee – Dave Skoglie, P.M
Trustee – Rusty Kiel, P.M
Trustee – Jesse Gilkison, P.M.